Step-by-Step Guide to Prepare Speedy sloppy potatoes

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page, if you're looking for sloppy potatoes recipe, look no further! We provide you only the perfect sloppy potatoes recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

sloppy potatoes

Before you jump to sloppy potatoes recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Healthy Eating Can Be An Easy Option.

Choosing to eat healthily offers marvelous benefits and is becoming a more popular way of life. The overall economy is affected by the number of individuals who are suffering from diseases such as hypertension, which is directly linked to poor eating habits. Wherever you look, people are encouraging you to live a healthier way of life but then again, you are also being encouraged to rely on fast foods that can affect your health in a terrible way. It is likely that many people believe it will take a lot of effort to eat a healthy diet or that they have to make a large scale change to their way of life. In reality, though, just making a few modest changes can positively impact daily eating habits.

You can get results without removing foods from your diet or make substantial changes at once. Even more important than entirely altering your diet is simply substituting healthy eating choices whenever you can. Sooner or later, you will likely find that you will eat more and more healthy food as your taste buds become accustomed to the change. Like many other habits, change takes place over a period of time and as soon as a new way of eating becomes part of who you are, you won't feel the need to revert to your old diet.

As you can see, it is not hard to begin making healthy eating a regular part of your daily lifestyle.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let's go back to sloppy potatoes recipe. You can have sloppy potatoes using 6 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you do it.

The ingredients needed to prepare sloppy potatoes:

  1. Prepare 6 of russet potatoes.
  2. Use 1 lb of ground beef.
  3. Get 3 cup of shredded cheddar cheese.
  4. Get 1 can of sloppy joe mix.
  5. Get 1 cup of bbq sauce.
  6. Take 6 slice of crispy bacon.

Steps to make sloppy potatoes:

  1. wash potatoes then poke holes n potatoes put on a plate that has a little water on it in the microwave for 10 min..
  2. brown the ground beef then drain the grease and add sloppy Joe mix n bbq sauce then mix together.
  3. preheat oven to 400.
  4. slice potatoes and put n a greased casserole dish put sloppy Joe mix on top of potatoes n sread evenly. bake for 15 then put on cheese n bake for 10 more min..
  5. while that's in the oven fry 6 slices of bacon until crispy and crumble it on top of casserole when it comes out of the oven.

If you find this sloppy potatoes recipe valuable please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.