Recipe of Marshmallow toffee fudge

Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe page, If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the best Marshmallow toffee fudge recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Marshmallow toffee fudge

Before you jump to Marshmallow toffee fudge recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Healthy Eating Doesn't Need To Be A Chore.

The benefits of healthy eating are today being given more publicity than ever before and there are a number of reasons for doing this. There are numerous illnesses linked with a poor diet and there is a cost to the overall economy as individuals suffer from diseases such as heart disease and hypertension. Wherever you look, people are encouraging you to live a more healthy way of living but on the other hand, you are also being encouraged to rely on convenience foods that can affect your health in a damaging way. In all probability, a lot of people believe that it takes a great deal of work to eat healthily and that they will need to drastically alter their lifestyle. Contrary to that information, individuals can change their eating habits for the better by making some simple changes.

The first change you can make is to pay more attention to what you purchase when you do your food shopping as it is likely that you have the tendency to pick up many of the things without thinking. For example, did you ever think to check how much sugar and salt are in your favorite cereal? Eating a bowl of oatmeal will supply you with the energy to face the day while protecting your heart at the same time. If this is not to your liking on its own, you can easily mix in fresh fruits that can supply you with other healthy nutrients and as such, one modest change to your diet has been achieved.

Hence, it should be quite obvious that it's not hard to add healthy eating to your daily lifestyle.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let's go back to marshmallow toffee fudge recipe. You can cook marshmallow toffee fudge using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to prepare Marshmallow toffee fudge:

  2. Provide 1 bag of milk chocolate chips (I recommend Ghiradelli brand or Cadbury).
  3. Use 10-20 of mini marshmallows or 5-10 big marshmallows ripped up into small pieces.
  4. Get 1/2 cup of health toffee bits (you can buy a bag in the baking section of grocery stores).
  5. Get 4 tablespoons of butter.

Steps to make Marshmallow toffee fudge:

  1. Combine the chips, butter and sweetened condensed milk over a pot on low heat until smooth..
  2. If you want melty gooey marshmallow texture, let the mixture cool for 10-15 minutes then add the marshmallows and toffee. If you want solid marshmallows, wait until the mix is completely cooled off so the marshmallows don’t melt..
  3. Combine the mallows and toffee bits. Pour into a baking pan or glass dish and let cool in the fridge for 3-6 hours. It should be firm, but not gooey or melt in your hands..

If you find this Marshmallow toffee fudge recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.