Recipe of Mushroom Coconut Cream Soup

Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe page, looking for the perfect Mushroom Coconut Cream Soup recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best Mushroom Coconut Cream Soup recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Mushroom Coconut Cream Soup

Before you jump to Mushroom Coconut Cream Soup recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Nutritious Vitality Treats.

Eating healthy foods can make all the difference in how we feel. Increasing our intake of well balanced meals while reducing the intake of unhealthy ones contributes to a more healthy feeling. A little bit of pizza doesn't cause you to feel as healthy as ingesting a fresh green salad. Sometimes it's hard to find wholesome foods for treats between meals. Shopping for snacks can be a struggle because you have so many options. Here are some healthy snacks that can be used when you need a fast pick me up.

Whole grain foods are an excellent choice for a fast wholesome snack. A bit of whole wheat toast, for instance is a great snack in the morning hours. Eating on the run may be healthier with whole grain chips and crackers. Make the change from refined products just like white bread to the healthier whole grain choices.

You can find lots of healthy snacks you can choose that do not involve a lot of preparation or searching. When you make the choice to be healthy, it's uncomplicated to find what you need to be successful at it.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let's go back to mushroom coconut cream soup recipe. To cook mushroom coconut cream soup you need 12 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to cook Mushroom Coconut Cream Soup:

  1. You need 1 cup of Mushroom (chopped).
  2. Prepare of Garlic (chopped) - 2 tb spoon.
  3. Prepare of Garlic (chopped) - 2 tb spoon.
  4. Take of coconut oil - 1 tbl spoon.
  5. Take 1 table spoon of coconut flour(optional) -.
  6. Prepare 1 cup of mixed bean (boiled and smashed) -.
  7. Get 1 cup of coconut milk -.
  8. Get 3 cups of water:.
  9. Provide of black seeds - 1/2 tbl spoon.
  10. Get to taste of Himalayan pink salt/ regular salt :.
  11. Prepare of cilantro (chopped) 1 tbl spoon.
  12. Get of ketchup, soy sauce, green chili water - for final serving.

Instructions to make Mushroom Coconut Cream Soup:

  1. Add garlic to the hot pan, then add mushroom, stir for 2 minutes. Add salt, black seeds, coconut flour (you can add corn flour here, I did not want carb, so I avoided that).
  2. Stir and add water. Add smashed beans to thicken the soup. Finally add coconut milk and cilantro. Serve hot with sauce and chili water. Very tasty, very healthy, almost no carb soup..
  3. Enjoy with your family!.

If you find this Mushroom Coconut Cream Soup recipe valuable please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.